The Phone Sex Coalition Consumer Alert

The Phone Sex Coalition presents a series of articles related to the phone sex hotline services group.





Phone Sex Coalition Article


Consumer Phone Sex Alert And Warning

June 29, 2009

We at the Phone Sex Coalition have noticed a trend among several phone sex services that consumers need to be aware of, the so called "connection fee". This is a practice among a growing number sex chat hotlines. Essentially they advertise a very low price, you call the telephone sex hotline number and place a sex chat call. You think you are getting a real bargain until your credit or debit card statement arrives. You find that the service has charged you a connection fee which can be 3 times as much as the per minute charge you were quoted. Beware of of services charging you less then the going rate for phone sex chat calls which should be from $1.50 to $3.00 per minute.

To avoid this little scam only use a phone sex service that has rates clearly marked and a web page that explains in detail how you are to be charged. I can only speak about members of the Phone Sex Coalition membership, but you can be assured this little phone sex scam is not practiced among us. Please report any billing errors or fraudulent practices to Phone Sex Coalition so we can work to resolve or reveal unscrupulous services so they can be avoided. Also watch you own back and look carefully at the fine print so to avoid the so called connection fees. After all you would not patronize a restaurant that charges cooking fees and in turn the same goes for sex chat hotlines.