The Phone Sex Coalition

The Phone Sex Coalition presents a series of articles related to the phone sex hotline services group.





Phone Sex Coalition Article


The First Amendment And Phone Sex

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

The freedom to practice or not practice the religion of your choice, the freedom to peacefully assemble and the freedom of speech are all guaranteed to Americans as an inherent right. It is our most sacred of rights our founding fathers in their genius gave us when our new republic was formed.

When we read the newspaper, go to the library or turn on the television we exercise this right knowing that what we read, see or hear is an unfettered opinion. We assume and rightly so, that what was stated is free of governmental censorship or influence.

As an adult oriented business owner, you take full advantage of your first amendment right to say what you want, conduct business as you see fit and offer material you feel is appropriate for your audience. Thanks to pioneers in the adult entertainment industry like Larry Flynt. Who used his personal funds to challenge local laws that persecuted him for offering material to his customers that they were eager to purchase. Larry spent many nights in jail, put a lot of attorneys kids through college to take our right to read what we want, when we want to the supreme court. Larry won for all of us our most cherished freedom and protected us from those who wish to censure what we personally feel is appropriate for ourselves.

You as an adult webmaster have a responsibility exercise our basic freedoms by those who can not fully exercise their rights as Americans. Children are vulnerable and they are protected from your freedom of expression. A parent has a right to choose what is suitable material, images, opinions and sounds their minor charges see and hear. They have a right to go to the store and not see adult material. Therefore adult magazines and videos are covered or stored in an area where minors cant see them. The first amendment rights of the customer are protected, who can purchase the material to view in the privacy of their own home. In turn the parents right to protect their children who are not old enough by law to exercise good judgment. Do you offer those same parents the right to block what their children see or hear? Your responsibility as an adult business owner is to offer a product or service for an adult while ensuring a parents right to censure such material from their kids.

Make sure a parent can put blocks on internet browsers so when a kid is surfing the net they will not run across your site. Put clear warnings on your home page, warning parents and others who do not wish to view your material of what can be found inside. Most of all vote for those people running for public office who support and will defend responsible use of the First Amendment.